
New classes coming soon……

Ra Sekhi Kemetic Reiki

Level 1 & 2 weekend intensive will be offered online or in person.  This is an interactive class that includes material, attunement and certificate.

Ra Sekhi is an ancient healing practice that is beneficial in helping the spirit, mind, body function harmoniously. Learn  breathing techniques, color therapy, hand positions, working with spirit guides, the attributes of Ma’at, meditation and so much more. These healing techniques will help you bring your life into balance on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

This hands on class will equip you with the tools you need for self healing as well as providing services for others as a reiki practitioner. Join me to learn about aligning your aritu (chakras), manipulating energy, spiritual baths and more. All materials and books are provided.




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(504) 265-0132

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